Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Bali+Lombok, and my new goal

I went to Bali and lombok last week. hehe. though it was for work, but that was okay. I had never been there before, so that was a great chance for me. plus, it was free. thank you soooo much bos, I took that trip as my birthday gift from you. hehe.

well, as people say, those place are really awesome. too bad, because of work, I didn't have a chance to explore all of tourist places in Lombok :( I could only see the beauty of Senggigi Beach - Lombok in a bus, on the way to the airport. Plus, in Bali, we spent most of our free time for shopping (Joger, Mr. Kuta, Krisna, Legian, Sukowati). we had a chance to visit Tanah Lot, and dinner at Jimbaran area (outdoor, on the beach, delicious seafood- that was really really reaaallly nice. one of the best moment I think) but that was all. GWK, Nusa Penida, Kuta Beach, Ubud... I wanna visit them too :( hope someday I get a chance to visit Bali and Lombok again, and just for holiday. I hope.

dinner time at Jimbaran

by the way, I gained weight lately. and it's not a good news. being obese is not healty I think. my body feels heavy, tired. moreover it reduced my self-confidence. my goal is to lose weight about 6-7 kg. So am looking for some references about diet program, and I've found one that seems great. what is it? it's a secret for now, hehe. I'll post it when it success :)

2 komentar:

l3ny_chan mengatakan...

semangat neneng..., if i might give u an advise in case of losing weight
1. Jgn dibayang2i kata2 diet, it wont gonna work!!! Kata diet hanya akan membuat beban di pikiran n menimbulkan nafsu makan semakin meningkat. u just have to know what u have eaten n stop before u eat too much. So still, u can eat whatever u want. it will be better make a plan of ur dietary food.
aplikasi ini cukup berguna u/monitoring pola makanmu, n i used it, it helped me alot


2. Exercise... yes it is important. Olah raga apa aja bagus. But, i prefer to choose swimming?? why? because it's fun.. u dont even feel that u are exercising. n for me... olga ini bisa menurunkan berat badan (dulu), dan menstabilkan berat badan (sekarang) no matter how much u eat (aku bisa makan 4x sehari tanpa ada kt diet diotakku, tp berat badan malah turun 1kg, ya walaupun bsknya naik lg 1kg :p) but at least konstan ;)
3. Enjoy u life. everything needs a process. Jgn berpikir instan dear, cepet turun = cepet naik
4. Dan slalu positif thinking... dan percaya kamu pasti bisa...


*belajar renang gih, tar kita renang bareng ;)

vi mengatakan...

hai neeeng, thank you so much for ur advice :) tau aja diriku lagi butuh banget saran, galau nih haha

iya len, novi kaget banget pas minggu kemaren nimbang, naiknya lumayan :( terus badan juga kerasa ga enak, makanya pengen nurunin.. ga banyak sih, 6-7 kg aja udah seneng banget. terus nemu info diet di internet, udah nyoba 3 hari tapi berat ga turun, padahal makannya diatur banget+ga enak, sedih :( tapi ya itu dia, ga dibarengin olahraga, males.. hehe. terus nyarinya yang instan+cepet, malah kesiksa rasanya..salahnya disini kali ya

pengen banget renang, tapi di bandung susah nyari tempat yang sepi+enak. sementara ini paling jogging kali ya, atau olahraga ringan yang bisa dilakuin di rumah macam sit up/lompat tali gitu, bisa ga ya?
doain yaa, mudah2an bisa nurunin berat badan biar lebih sehat :))

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